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Barrhaven Church will be celebrating the opening of our new church and community centre during the weekend of April 13-14.

Saturday, April 13: Open House from 11am-3pm. The Community is invited to tour the building and learn about what the Salvation Army has to offer, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 1pm (cake to follow).

Sunday: Worship Service at 10:30am with special guests Commissioners Debbie and Lee Graves (Territorial Leaders) and Lieut. Colonels Brenda and Shawn Critch (Divisional Leaders). 

Come and join us!


Barrhaven Church and Community Centre Grand Opening Weekend. April 13 and 14, 2024. Saturday - Open House from 11 am to 3 pm. The community is invited to tour the building and learn about all The Salvation Army has to offer. A ribbon cutting ceremony will take place at 1 pm, with cake to follow. Sunday worship at 10:30 am with guests Commissioners Debbie and Lee Graves, Territorial Leaders and Lieutenant Colonels Brenda and Shawn Critch, Divisional Leaders. Address: 102 Bill Leathem Drive. Website: salvationarmybarrhaven.ca

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